Sunday, January 28, 2018

January 28, 1968: Baby Prep

Letter postmarked January 31, 1968 (part 1, dated January 25):

The CCZCC extends its winning streak to 21.

Dear Mother and Mike,
We got two nice surprises yesterday - a letter from you and the package with Dave's sweater. Dave really likes the sweater and he can wear brown better with his clothes. It fits perfectly and he strutted all over the house in it last night. Sorry you had this extra trouble to go to.

Glad to hear that your heating unit is finally intact - just after the cold weather. Anyway you'll be ready for next year. I'm so glad that you and Mike didn't come down with pneumonia.

Thank goodness Mike couldn't go to New York with the Whitsons. In a previous letter you had mentioned they were going and I was just holding my breath about Mike being invited. Maybe Ann's grades can stand a week's absence from school, but I gather it could prove disastrous for Mike.

[The Whitsons were the parents of Uncle Mike's girlfriend at the time, Ann. It sounds like Mom was concerned about Uncle Mike missing a week of school to go on a trip to New York with them. He did eventually make it to New York, though. In fact, he's in New York City tonight (January 28, 2018) attending the Grammy awards at Madison Square Garden.]

You asked if David Wayne has expressed a preference for a brother or a sister - definitely yes! He wants a baby brother because he said he didn't want to have to kiss a girl. We have tried to "soft-peddle" the sex of the baby and just refer to it as, "when our baby comes . . ." In this way, I feel maybe he won't be disappointed. (What I mean is, if he hasn't said too much about which he wants, it'll be easier on him if it is a girl.) Does that make sense? I just remember how I first felt about Mike - everyone knew I had wanted a sister - and being so stubborn it was hard for me to admit that I could love a little brother.

[Although I don't recall having that preference, it doesn't surprise me that I wanted a little brother. Girls are icky.]

I'm so glad you told me what all Wayne and Linda had bought for their house. Linda hasn't said much about the house in her letters because I guess she thought it would make me more homesick. I am really anxious to see the house but, of course, I'm more anxious to see Steven. David Wayne can't wait to get his paws on that baby - I hope they will let him hold Steven.

[They did, and I have photographic evidence to prove it.]

I can hardly wait to get home and start fixing up the nursery. I haven't even thought about it. I know I want to buy a play pen - one of those fold-up kind with mesh (not the old wooden ones.) Also, I thought it'd be nice to get a stroller so David Wayne can take the baby walking. But I've got to think of curtains, at least cleaning the diaper holder you made for David Wayne, painting the high chair, washing all those baby clothes, and I think I may have to get a new mattress for the baby bed. (I seem to recall it had a split.) Even it it's just a small split, this elephant I'm carrying would soon have it in shreds. (I remember the treatment David Wayne gave that bed - in fact, the mattress probably has several splits!)

Gee, won't it be bedlam at your house when we all get together. I think your best investment for the security of your sanity would be to get a good strong fence around the back yard - then we can just turn them loose and David Wayne can be general overseer. Remembering your living room at Christmas with just David Wayne, I think we better rent the armory next year!

[My grandmother's house did have a rather small living room, especially by today's standards. Thankfully the large family Christmas gatherings shifted to our house after we moved back to Texas.]

It's a good thing I sent you the picture of David Wayne in that outfit you got him - the pants now have a hole in one knee! At what age will he begin to walk on his feet again? He can wear the shirt (it fits perfectly even after washing) with several other pants (all four pairs he has). The pants are now play pants, as he calls them. I guess I better learn to put on a good knee patch.
[Boys will be boys. And yes, Mom learned to put on a knee patch because I did keep wearing holes in the knees of my pants for many years after this.]
Thanks for offering to get the house ready but I don't think there is a thing you could do. Dave says he'll write the gas, water, electric companies to turn things on. Then I suppose Patsy (next door) can get a key from the owners and she'll be right there to let them in. That would be easier as she stays home all day and you couldn't very well take off work and see to it. As for cleaning, I left the house spotless and even sheets on the beds. I know everything will have a layer or two of dust but I doubt that we'll see that as we will be too happy just to be home.

Thank you for inviting the Jennings up for our homecoming. Dave says that more than likely we'll arrive on the weekend so that will be just perfect. I know they appreciate you thinking of them in this way - we certainly do. Dave will be most anxious to see his folks and I doubt seriously that I'll feel like jumping in a car after a trip like that and going to Belton. Nate and Judy also want to come see us after we get home, but I know you don't have enough room for everyone. Hope this won't sound terrible, but we sure won't feel like giving up our own bed to anyone for the first few nights.

[Just to refresh your memory if necessary, the Jennings are my dad's parents, and Nate and Judy are my dad's brother and his wife.]

[We'll end Part 1 of this letter here.]

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