Monday, January 15, 2018

January 15, 1968: Dressed to Party

Letter postmarked January 15, 1968:

The CCZCC extends its winning streak to 17.

Dear Mother and Mike,
Boy, it sounds like you are really spoiling Miss Taffy - ham and eggs for breakfast, candy treats, sleeping in front of a fire, etc. I bet she's one in Texas that is in no hurry for us to come home. I appreciate you letting her stay in while the weather is so cold, but what are you doing about the dog hair? David Wayne certainly gets a kick out of your letters about Taffy - especially the part about sitting in Wayne's lap!

I'm sorry that you didn't hear from us for so long, but really the mail service was at fault, not me. Can you believe that around Christmas it would take five or six days for an airmail letter to reach us? I didn't get any letters from anyone for nearly a week at one time and then - wham! I got three or four letters in one week just from you. If I had known you would "hop a plane to L. A.", though, I wouldn't have written.

I can hardly wait to see what you and Mike are sending David Wayne. I wasn't going to tell David Wayne anything about another package because he gets so excited, but sure enough, I forgot and read that part of the letter to him - yep! He's just as excited as I predicted.

Let us know as soon as you get the new heating unit as we, too, are concerned about the gas heater. I don't know how you are surviving without heat in the cold weather - 14 degrees! I guess Dave and I will just miss out on any winder this year and from reports, this was a good winter to miss in Texas. I couldn't believe the reports in papers about the temperature, but when everybody writes us about it, I know it's true. Yes, by all means, an air conditioner is just what you need at this time.

Dave and I haven't been doing much since the "joy to the world" season. We stayed home all last weekend except for eating at the Sizzler Saturday night. Monday, David Wayne and I ate lunch with Barbara Hansen and spent the rest of the afternoon just talking and relaxing with her - I can relax with her because I don't have to be getting on David Wayne all the time like I do when Suzie's around. Barbara was having company on Monday night and David Wayne got her feather duster and dusted her whole apartment for her and picked up trash. He loves to help her. Tuesday, Suzie and a Virginia examiner's wife came over and asked me to drive around with them. I declined because I was tired and so was David Wayne. But Barbara also came by (to return David Wayne's Batmobile that he left at her apartment) and you should have seen the way I picked up. Tuesday night Dave vacuumed the rug and David Wayne mopped the kitchen and bathroom and cleaned tub, commode, etc. All I did was wash the dishes, but I was tired from watching them work.

[It's time for a confession. I don't think I ever told Mom this, but when I was putting the Hansen's feather duster back in the closet or wherever it belonged I broke the handle somehow. I didn't want to get in trouble so I just put both pieces back and didn't say anything about it. As far as I know Mom never found out about it, so I'm guessing Barbara Hansen never told her because she didn't want me to feel bad. That's one of those weird little flashback memories that has always stuck with me for some reason.]

Wednesday I went with Suzie and Sam (Virginia examiner's wife) to Olvera Street. Sam wanted a "shoplifter's bag" like mine - a gigantic straw monstrosity I bought there to carry camera equipment. Also, we ate lunch there as Sam had never - yes, never - eaten Mexican food. She loved it and I really enjoyed being with her.

[I checked, and there are Mexican restaurants in Virginia now.]

Thursday I decided to go and buy a dress with the money you sent. (Also, I had my babysitting money, $20.) I had told Dave Wednesday night that I planned on going shopping. That night he talked in his sleep and I plainly heard him say, "Now, don't spend all that money in the same place." Mother, I just about fell out of bed laughing and Dave is dying of embarrassment so I am telling everyone. And Dave doesn't deny it because he admitted dreaming about money that night.

[That's pretty funny yet certainly believable regarding my dad's sleeptalking comment.]

Well, about the dress . . . I bought a green wool jumper with a darker green sweater type blouse to go with it. I am in love with it and Dave likes it, too. I don't look the least bit pregnant in it - just stylish! It was not a maternity dress and I bought it in a regular dress shop - so I can wear it even after the baby comes. I will get Dave to take a picture of me wearing it so you can see it. Next week I plan on getting some new shoes and bag with the rest of the money.

[Alas, if a picture of this outfit exists I have not run across it yet.]

Thursday night we had the Hansens come over. We had been to their apartment several times and I wanted to return the invitation. We thoroughly enjoyed having them and the time passed so quickly that before we knew it - it was 11:30. Barbara and Erland both apologized for staying that late, but really no one realized it was that late. David Wayne was excited all day about "our party" and he made cookies and when I put out snacks (potato chips, dip, peanuts, etc.) David Wayne got a bowl and put Lifesavers and Dentyne chewing gum in it - this was what he was serving for the party. I'm sure the Hansens are not wild about unwrapped Lifesavers, but they ate one and really bragged on them - David Wayne just beamed. These poor people have the misfortune of being favorites of David Wayne.

David Wayne gave Snappy a bath this morning in the bathroom sink - also, he was teaching him how to swim. He really enjoys that turtle. We bought distilled water to put in his bowl because the tap water had so many chemicals it turned his shell white. I guess that's all old Snappy got from Santa.

[Although I liked playing in swimming pools at that age, I didn't know how to swim so I'm not sure how I was teaching Snappy to swim.]

While I slept this morning David Wayne copied the alphabet in small letters and capital. It was very good. I also listened to a song he made up: 2+2 is 4, 2+3 is 5, 2+4 is 6, 2+5 is 7, etc. I have no idea why or how he stumbled on this, but it makes me very proud. His first grade teacher will hate me, but truthfully I have not consciously "taught" him all these things - he just sorta picks them up. Next on his list is learning how to spell and I haven't figured out yet how he is planning on doing this.

I am still pondering the question of coming home to have the baby instead of staying with Dave. He wants me, David Wayne and the new baby to have good - the best! - care and I guess he doesn't feel capable. It would be hard on him and I would have the worry of who was taking care of David Wayne. I really feel sorry for Dave as he was really looking forward to being with me and seeing the baby firsthand. Dave says he thinks that you would be more helpful to me than he ever could - sounds like he's passing the buck, Mother. You better watch him!

[That must have been awful for both Mom and Dad to try to decide what to do about the upcoming birth. Although I know what happened I'm still looking forward to reading about how it all unfolded.]

Since I've used all my paper up, I better close. I should try to play with David Wayne since I slept almost all morning. I feel that I'm doing my little five-year-old an injustice by sleeping so much, but I just can't help it. And, he's smart enough to connect the sleeping with the new baby. I am feeling better than I was, but I still need to rest. David Wayne is most considerate when I do sleep - he colors or looks at books and he has never made a sound to wake me up.

Take care not to freeze. Keep your fingers exercised and warm by writing lots of letters. I'm sorry Mike may come down with the flu - I understand it's almost an epidemic. This kind of flu can realy be bad so do keep him at home - he can miss all activities for awhile.

[A flu epidemic? Seems like I've heard that term recently.]


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