Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1, 1967: Puppy underwear

Letter postmarked December 1, 1967:

The CCZCC now stands at 6.

Dear Mother and Mike,
Well, I'll finish writing the letter that I mailed yesterday and I'll comment on the one I received today. First of all, I'm sorry that you weren't feeling well. That tooth (I hope not teeth) has given you problems for some time. You should go ahead and see about it.
I just can't see Mike going deer hunting.
[The rest of us can't either.]
Don't you dare neglect to write me a full account of that adventure. David Wayne has laughed and laughed about Mike going hunting with Papa and bringing home butter.
We were hoping you would visit the Jennings while Mike was in Austin. I know they would have loved to have had you. Mrs. Jennings, especially, really has the ability to make everyone feel at home and most welcome. Besides, you would love to hear her brag on David Wayne - the two of you together could really make his ears burn. She bores the whole town of Belton with how smart and well-behaved he is.
[Lincoln was right. You can fool some of the people all the time.]
Now for Christmas . . . I guess I'll try to fill up the stockings, but I haven't even started thinking on that yet. I'm getting Dave an ice crusher and something for the camera so he can take portrait pictures of the children. I still haven't come up with an idea for Wayne, but other than that I'm finished.
For answering your questions:
(1) I believe we have plenty of cover for David Wayne's bed. We have a really good heater in our apartment and we only open the window in our bedroom now.
(2) I have already gotten David Wayne two pairs of Disneyland pajamas so he won't need any more. His old house shoes are still good and they fit him. I don't know about a sweater. He has one, but it scratches him and he doesn't like to wear it. I haven't tried the denim jacket on him but I just know it won't fit (nothing else does.) He could use a heavy pullover sweatshirt (like Batman, Peanuts, etc.) It seems that other shirts of that type draw up after washing. Instead of telling you what he needs, it would be easier to list his wardrobe:
(a) 2 good shirts that fit - size 6 (sport shirt)
(b) 4 good pairs of pants - size 6
(c) about 5 pairs of underwear without holes - none size 6 which is what he needs
(d) 3 good pairs of socks - size 8
[I'm getting socks and underwear for Christmas. Awesome.]
Also his red hood jacket is a little too small - same on coat. I know that sounds bad, but it was worse before we went to San Francisco - I bought him the two good shirts and two pairs of pants right before we left. Really, we haven't neglected him, he's just grown so much! He has plenty of play clothes for around the house, but they are too small on him to look nice when we go out.
[At least Mom was aware that I'm outgrowing all my clothes.]
Dave needs a sweater or jacket of some kind - all he has for cold weather is his suit coats (they look sorta silly with blue jeans.) The only sizes I know for sure on him are waist size 33 and shirt 14-1/2. I think he would take a medium on a sweater or jacket.
I have been buying size 12 in slacks and 10 in tops. I have bought dresses from size 9 to a 12 - it just depends on cut of dress. I need a maternity slip (size 36 I guess) and I only have three pairs of maternity pants (size 38-40). I have one maternity bra (36C), but I know I will need a D cup after the baby is born. I plan to nurse this baby also, but I may not be able to - depends on when or how bad the operation is after I have the baby.
[Every guy wants to hear about his mother's bra size, right? I don't know what operation she's talking about here.]
An idea for Dave might be a subscription to Time magazine.
If I nurse the baby, I will need some gowns that button down the front. But again, if I can't nurse I won't need those as I have plenty of other kinds.
I think the idea of a desk for David Wayne is a wonderful idea. He is going to be very glad to get back to that room. If you can get one in a finish like his bed, that would be really nice. Dave and I are going to get him a maple chest to match his bed and give his chest to the baby.
By the way, call Patsy Brown Rodden about my baby bed. You will need that when they take Steven out. It will make visits at your house much more comfortable for Linda and Steven.
David Wayne surely did like making the spiders out of walnuts. Dave and I had to go to three different stores to get everything, but we made it. Now we have spiders all over the house.
[That's impressive that Mom and Dad went to three different stores to get supplies for that craft project. I don't recall doing that project, but I do recall some others.]
I think I've made Dave sorry that he didn't tell me the tentative ending date. I know that he didn't tell me because he didn't want me to get disappointed, but after all, I'm not such a child! This, or things like it, have happened before, and I just don't care to be that "protected."
I am still feeling okay, but I think that trip to San Francisco really wore me out. This morning it was raining cats and dogs, so I had to take Dave to work. On the way home, I got sick and vomited. You should have seen me barreling down Wilshire Blvd. in the 8 o'clock traffic and vomiting - I just wonder what the people in the other cars thought!! This morning was the first time I had even felt nauseated in weeks and weeks.
[That sounds rather awful. I hope Mom had a barf bag in the car with her. I think Dad normally just walked to work since it was just a 30 minute walk with no hills. Either that or maybe he walked to the nearest bus stop and took a short bus ride.]
I'm really sorry to hear about Aunt Era being sick. Also Uncle Byrd - bless their hearts. As for Aunt Edna, I think she must be missing Myrna something terrible. It even shows through in the letters she writes to us. Also, she is really ready to get out of that store.
[Uncle Byrd and Aunt Era were the ones who had been operating the College Store across the street from TWU. I don't know if I mentioned it in any of the previous posts, but they announced in November of 1967 that they were going to finally retire from running the store. They were both at least in their 70s.]
The couple from Texas have a puppy - not housebroken. It is a cute little thing and David Wayne just adores it, but goodness they have problems. Their apartment manager is not too fond of having a dog around, so Suzie takes that puppy everywhere. We already have a stain on _our_ rug and yesterday when we went to the show, she left that dog in the car all afternoon - oh the mess when we got back! Dave just blew his top and told me in no uncertain terms that I can't take our car on such excursions. (I don't blame he either as that smell will never come out.) But this is going to mean always using their car and gas which isn't fair, but what to do? I don't really appreciate having that dog messing up my house or car either. Also, they are flying home Christmas and we are expected to keep the dog. They didn't bother to ask us, just said that their plans were for us to keep the dog. Did we do that to you with Taffy? If so, I'm terribly sorry. Us with that puppy will mean that we won't be able to do anything or go anywhere during the holidays.
David Wayne has asked me to tell you that he wants a voodoo doll of Uncle Mike for Christmas. Also, he would like a big can of colored Tinkertoys. When he asked for that doll of Mike, he broke me and David up.
[I must have seen some television show about voodoo dolls and probably thought they were real and wanted to mess with Uncle Mike.]
Well, I've finished my washing while writing this letter so I'll close for now. Take care and write when you can.

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