Thursday, November 2, 2017

November 2, 1967: Little Candy Man

Letter postmarked November 2, 1967 (dated November 1):

(FYI, the previous post was number 100.)

The CCZCC now stands at 2.

With this letter we are back on full size sheets of paper and writing in pen. However, this one is printed instead of in cursive writing. Can we have a little consistency, please?
Dear Mother and Mike,
Well, Halloween finally got here! David Wayne had been marking his calendar for three weeks and yesterday he was really excited. He had two costumes to wear - a ghost one that I had gotten several weeks ago and a pirate one that Mrs. Jennings had sent. He wore them both during the evening but not at the same time. He carried a decorated trick or treat bag (a small one because I didn't think he's get much this year and as a result he had to come home and empty it three times) and a flashlight with a ghost face.
[Just imagine how much more efficient I could have been while trick-or-treating if I didn't have to empty my bag three times.]

[Here are two pictures of me in my Halloween costumes, which some of you have already seen on Facebook.]

[By the way, thanks to Mom's captions on the Halloween pictures we now know the witch's name is Hazel.]
As I said, I didn't think he'd get much, but he got a lot more than he did last year. Being the only child in the apartment house (which by the way has only one vacant apartment now) does have advantages. Everyone had gotten something special just for him and they all gave him quite a bit of candy, too. One couple upstairs were gone when we made the rounds there, but as soon as they got home the man came down to get David Wayne. They had gone especially to the store to get something for him and they just moved in this week. David Wayne makes friends fast. I found out last night that he knew everyone here and they all knew him by name. (Dave and I sure don't know everyone here.)
[Wasn't I just the social butterfly in the apartment building? Maybe during all those times I was wandering around outside pretending to visit various places around the globe (see letter postmarked October 5, 1967) I was actually befriending all the other people living in the apartments.]
His biggest treat last night, though, was when the couple in number 9 had him come into their apartment and see their baby girl. He came out just beaming - I wish you could have seen his face.
After finishing the rounds here, all three of us walked over to the Hansen's (people Dave works with). David Wayne led the way with his ghost flashlight and kept saying we were going to a Halloween party. We were afraid he would be disappointed, but he wasn't. Barbara had bought him a whole box of Halloween candy and even had it wrapped like a present. We all had a lot of fun. Dave even played "horsey" with him coming home and carried him on his back. Dave couldn't talk, though, because David Wayne kept saying, "God didn't make horses to talk."
[I was not familiar with the television series Mister Ed at that time.]
All in all, he had a wonderful Halloween - thanks to the people that live in our apartment house and the Hansens. Thanksgiving will be a big treat, too, this year as we are going to see his friend "Clip" in San Francisco.
["Clip" was a coworker of Dad's named Cliff. I always called him Clip when I was younger. I guess he was also on an out-of-state assignment in California during this time, since I only remember him living in Texas.]
We also got the idea last night that since everyone here is so fond of him, we would invite the whole apartment house to the "pinata breaking" on Christmas. We can hang it off the balcony and let him stand downstairs with a stick (blindfolded, of course). I imagine that with more people cheering him on, it would be twice as exciting for him. It won't take the place of getting to be with the family, but maybe he'll forget it for a little while that way.
You remember I wrote you that the people that moved in upstairs must be changing the location of their kitchen because of all the noise. I wasn't far from wrong. They redecorated the whole place, including putting up their own curtains. (wall to wall yet!) Also, they built a dog pen (inside) - for their dog - a beagle named Heidi. According to Mr. Sabo they have finished the redecorating, but the noise continues. So I figured out that the man must be a carpenter and his shop is upstairs - he doesn't or hasn't yet gone to work. David Wayne has offered to babysit with their dog - no wonder he makes friends fast.
We are still having a lot of bad fires here - really bad. The fires are burning $100,000 to $75,000 homes and it just makes you sick to read about the loss these people suffer. One old couple said they didn't mind so much their furniture and clothes because those things could be replaced, but never would they be able to replace the pictures of their children and home movies of their grandchildren. Isn't that sad? When I read about the fires, smog, riots, hippies, etc. I just can't help but wonder what the big attraction is in Los Angeles. Give me the wide open spaces and northers in Texas any time - even east Texas, ugh!
[Fifty years later, and southern California fires are still burning homes.]
I don't know what our plans are for the weekend - probably nothing as we are still slightly shaken over the experience at Fisherman's Wharf last week. Friday the couple from Texas will be here and we may just help them get settled into an apartment.
Run out of things to say so I'll say goodbye. Write when you can.
PS - You can see anything in this town. Last week I saw a very pregnant woman wearing a micro-mini skirt. Very interesting!

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