Tuesday, October 24, 2017

October 24, 1967: I yust go nuts at Christmas

Letter postmarked October 25, 1967 (part 2):

This is Part 2 of the letter Mom wrote on October 23, 1967 that was postmarked October 25.
Today I am going Christmas shopping so remember don't open any packages. I am just a blank on what to get Mike - any suggestions? I want to send everybody something from here, but I can't think of a thing for Mike. What does he need or want in the way of clothes?
For David Wayne you might get him some more of those Matchbox cars. I have already bought him a "Build A Road" set that is made for Matchbox cars. There is a service station set and a fire house set that he would enjoy. Everything else that he talks about is advertised on TV - "Tricky Tommy Turtle," "Incredible Edibles," "Mattel's Fright Factory," etc. - and all the toys on TV are pretty expensive. He told the Santa Claus at Santa's Village he wanted a Slap Trap game so I know I will get him that.
[Some of these toys I don't recall at all, which means I probably didn't get everything I wanted for Christmas. Isn't that sad? But thanks to the interwebs we can find some information on all of these toys, including, in most cases, the TV commercials that convinced five-year-old me I wanted them for Christmas. First, here's the link to a commercial for Tricky Tommy Turtle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLGiI_ltQRE]

Tricky Tommy Turtle goes
When your magic whistle blows
He wobbles along, clippity clop
Blow the whistle. He stops!

[With such a catchy jingle and amazing technology, it's no wonder I wanted one of those.]

[Here is a link to a great video from a guy who found a complete Incredible Edibles set in almost mint condition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd_NFpQ62JQHe and his brother had a set when they were young, and he agrees with most other online comments I read that everything tasted pretty awful.]

[Here's a web page with a lot of information on Mattell's Fright Factory, including advertisements, the instructions, and a commercial: http://collectingclassicmonsters.com/monster-toys/vintage-advertising-mattel-fright-factory-toy/]

[And finally, here is a commercial for the Slap Trap game, with its own catchy non-rhyming jingle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWOXd8C2Pvk]

[Christmas Day might be a bit of a letdown with all these spoilers from Mom.]
Right now we are getting ready for a big Halloween. In our front window we have a skull and an owl. When the windows are open we even put our three-foot pinata witch up and a pumpkin. Halloween night we are going to go to a few apartments in this building, then go to the Hensen's (people Dave works with), and finally to the Sivells - that old, old couple. It should be quite a night!
[That's pretty neat that my parents put a little effort into Halloween, even though we lived in an apartment and they only had a five-year-old. Also, note that the Sivells are not just an old couple, they are an old, old couple.]
Last week we had some good news. Another Texas examiner, Gene Dirr, and his wife are going to be in Los Angeles on November 3. The company Gene will be on is very close to us and we hope that they will rent an apartment at our place - or at least real close. I have never met the girl, but she is a school teacher and probably we will be good company. I have been lonesome without anyone to gossip with and I'm looking forward to seeing them.
[It sounds like Mom is really looking forward to having someone she can spend some time with. We'll see how that pans out.]
Well, I'm getting anxious for Linda Kay to have my niece or nephew. I still keep wondering how _I'm_ going to get the news quickly - say like five minutes after the doctor knows! If Linda and Wayne could be around David Wayne right now, they would decide, like we have, not to teach their child how to talk. David Wayne asked me yesterday, "Why isn't the world on anything?" Last week it was, "Mommie, why don't fish get sea sick?" I am losing my mind and when I answer him, I sound like a preacher at a revival - ". . . because God made it that way." At Jungleland yesterday, he asked me the name of some animal and before I had time to answer he said, "Never mind, I'll ask Daddy. He knows everything and you don't know anything." This is great for Dave's ego, but mine has been smashed.
[Wow, I asked some really good questions. I especially like "Why isn't the world on anything?" I guess I can't fault Mom for being unable to explain celestial mechanics to a five-year-old. I'm not sure I could do that either, which according to Richard Feynman means I don't really understand it.]
Dave's ego had a lift last night, too, and I am glad. Something woke David Wayne up again (in the middle of the night!) and when he came into our room, he was calling "Daddy" instead of "Mommie." This just thrilled him - it was the first time David Wayne had ever called for Daddy when he was hurt or scared. Dave was still beaming about it this morning.
[Awwww, that's pretty darn sweet.]
Well, I will close this journal now. David Wayne is still sleeping, but he should be awake soon and then I won't be able to think. Mike, you are always referred to as Knucklehead by David Wayne and we can't break him of it. Really it is a compliment as this Knucklehead is a favorite puppet of David Wayne's. So Mother, take care of Knucklehead.
P. S. - Thanks for the info on Leon Taliaferro. I will relay this to Mr. Sivell as soon as we see them.
P. P. S. - I just mailed your Christmas present - don't open!
Also am enclosing catalog from Nut Shop.
[Leon Taliaferro is still a mystery to me. Maybe I'll find him among the genealogy stuff my grandmother had.]

[The catalog Mom sent was from a place called The Magic Nut and Candy Kitchens. The business was one of the original tenants in the Los Angeles Farmer's Market in 1949, and according to their web site (www.themagicnut.com) they still have the same two stalls there. They seem to focus on a wide variety of nuts and candies, offering various gift packages and sample platters.]

[Here are scans of the front and the first page of the catalog, which is about 4" x 9" when closed. (Note that "Epicurean" is misspelled.)]

[The catalog has a little over 20 pages, most of which are descriptions and prices of the various gift packs and nut selections they offered. You could also send as a gift a 3- 6- or 12-month membership in The Magic Nut of the Month Club. For a little under $4 per month the lucky recipient would receive one pound of a different type of nut, nut mix, or candy.]

[Another page of the catalog has a picture of a grandmotherly figure hand-dipping something in chocolate.]

[(Yes, that picture should remind you of the episode of I Love Lucy where Lucy and Ethel go to work at the chocolate factory.) Below that is a statement about automation not yet being used in the Magic Nut Kitchens and they doubt it ever will. I wonder if they use any automation now, 50 years later?]

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